Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Arabic with Yamam

As you'll come to realize, Yamam is so smart that she is bilingual!
When I was in 7th grade and she was in 8th, she taught me some words.

First of all, the most basic word: hello!

In Arabic, hello is مرحبا, which is pronounced marhaaban This is the word that I remember most clearly. To say it correctly, you kind of have to roll your tongue on the r, a little bit. It's not a hard r like in the word right, but sounds kind of like "ahhhrrr" That's how it sounds to me, at least. You probably shouldn't trust me, as I am not a fluent speaker, nor am I a master in pronunciation.

She also taught me yes (نعم فعلا) [nem fielaan]
and no (لا) [la]

After that, she began spewing random words and their English meanings:


etc, etc, etc...

*note: all of the Arabic writing is courtesy of Google Translate, because writing systems cannot be conveyed through speech

All while this was happening, we were *not* paying attention in Orchestra class.
To be fair, our teacher was working with other students and we were bored. We talked a lot in that class, but that was what made it fun. We both played violin, and she sat right behind me, so distance was no problem. Somehow we always found something to talk about, which is actually pretty rare for me.

Overall, I think blogging was a good experience. I learned how to create a blog and format it. I also learned that I am not good at blogging- I cannot avoid awkwardness :')
Blogs are important because they are a common way to share interests, opinions, and other things. My favorite blog written by a classmate is this one by Lexi Hankenson. It stuck out to me because the writing is really good.

Image result for arabicImage result for violin

Picture 1: represents Arabic
Picture 2: represents orchestra
Picture 3: our middle school orchestra teacher
Picture 4: me in middle school, while being interviewed about my teacher 


  1. Your blog has been really funny and even though I do not know her, I feel like I do. I think that your blog is honest and incorporated humor and just makes it stand out as a really good blog.

    1. Thanks :D I don't want to create anything bland or boring

  2. This by far has been my favorite blog! I remember you guys always laughing in orchestra hahaha to the point where I would start laughing!


Arabic with Yamam

As you'll come to realize, Yamam is so smart that she is bilingual! When I was in 7th grade and she was in 8th, she taught me some wor...